Свечани скуп посвећен академику Богољубу Станковићу и научна радионица
November 18, 2024, Novi Sad, Serbia
with lecture “Наслеђе академика Богољуба Станковића и пројекат GOALS”
vice-president of the Programme Committe
GOALS workshop and Dani matematike u Novom Sadu
GF2024 International Conference on Generalized Functions
September 16-20, 2024, Turin, Italia
with lecture “A friendly guide to Pilipovic spaces”
2nd International Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory,
29-31 July 2024, İstanbul, Turkey
with invited speaker lecture “An Introduction to Extended Gevrey Regularity”
Lecture: Da li biste odbili Clayovu nagradu?,
Seminar Bogoljub Stanković i Prolećni festival matematike, 20 May 2024, Novi Sad
Harmonic analysis and distributions – HANDS 2024
10-12 April 2024, vice-head of the Scientific committee
Lecture: Jedan uvod u operatore lokalizacije,
Seminar Bogoljub Stanković, 30 October 2023, Novi Sad
Lecture: An introduction to localization operators,
Seminar on analysis and geometry, 04 October 2023,
Aalto University, Finland
Lecture: Localization Operators and Density Matrices,
Oberseminar on Analysis, 11 July 2023,
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany
Harmonic analysis, spaces and operators
19-21 April 2023, member of the organizing committee
TIFREFUS: Représentations temps-fréquence dans les espaces fonctionnels
5 – 7 December, 2022, CIRM Marseille Luminy, France
with lecture “Gabor multipliers revisited”
Kongres mladih matematičara u Novom Sadu
29. septembar – 01. oktobar, 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia
President of the Ogranizing Committee
International Conference on Generalized Functions
September 19-23, 2022, Vienna, Austria
with lecture “Continuous frames for tensor product Hilbert spaces”
Strobl22 Applied Harmonic Analysis and Friends
June 19th – 25th 2022, Strobl, Austria
with lecture “Tensor product continuous frame multipliers”
Lecture 200 godina od “Analitičke teorije toplote”, Prolećni festival matematike, 9. maj.
Time – frequency representations for function spaces
April 11-13, University of Novi Sad, with invited speaker lecture
“A convenient framework for analytic pseudodifferential operators”
Microlocal and Global Analysis, Interactions with Geometry
February 21-25, University of Potsdam, online, with invited speaker lecture
“Subspaces of analytic functions and analytic pseudodifferential operators”
Ghent-HFUT Analysis Workshop December 08-10, Belgium–China, online,
with invited speaker lecture “The Gabor product, and its continuity properties”
Operators, generalized functions and related topics OPGEFART2021 September 21-25, Novi Sad, Serbia (member of the Organizing Committee), with lecture
“Gabor product essentials”
IWOTA 2021 August 9-13, Chapman University, with (online) lecture
“Analytic pseudodifferential operators, some classical and recent considerations”
13th ISAAC Congress August 2-6, Ghent (online conference), with lecture
“Spaces of generalized functions related to analytic pseudodifferential operators”
Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis – Virtual Days June 22-23 (online conference)
Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, CEEPUS Network FINALIST, June 06-11 (teacher’s virtual mobility)
META 2021, 6th Conference on Mathematics in Engineering: Theory and Applications, June 11, Novi Sad (online conference), with plenary lecture
“Some remarks on analytic pseudo–differential operators”
Generalized Functions Online Workshop, May 12, Novi Sad, Serbia – Vienna, Austria
Lecture Continuity properties of analytic pseudodifferential operators, February 11, International Prague seminar on function spaces, Charles University, Prague
Lecture Continuity properties of some classes of Wick and anti-Wick operators, Seminar Bogoljub Stanković, December 7
International Conference on Generalized Functions, August 31–September 4, Ghent, Belgium, with lecture “Certain aspects of bilinear operators”
Topics in Fractional calculus and Time-frequency analysis, dedicated to the memory of Professor Arpad Takači, June 16-17, Novi Sad (online conference) with lecture “Asymptotic analysis and distributions – some historical remarks”
Seminar “Gelfand-Shilov spaces, part II”, March 02-06, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden
Public lecture “Da bacimo tiket?”, December 14, Dani Matematike, PMF University of Novi Sad
Time-Frequency analysis with Applications, November 29, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka, The Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with plenary lecture “Multipliers and time-frequency analysis”
Lecture about Blaise Pascal, November 13, UNZIP Student’s organization
Seminar “Gelfand-Shilov spaces, part I”, October 07-11, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden
Kongres mladih matematičara, October 03-05, Novi Sad, Serbia, member of the Organizing Committee
Aspects of Time Frequency Analysis, June 25-27,
Politecnico di Torino, DISMA, Torino, Italy,
with lecture “Wavelet series and multiresolution expansions in Gelfand-Shilov spaces”
Lecture “Multipliers: From Fourier to continuous frames”, June 5, The Austrian Academy of Sciences Acoustics Research Institute (ARI)
ANACRES workshop, May 6-7, Novi Sad, Serbia,
with lecture “Bilinear multipliers for continuous frames”
Lecture “A wavelet approach to image compression”, December 11,
Methods for Image Data Analysis, Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala University.
Lecture “Wave front sets and related topics”, November 21,
The Prague seminar on function spaces, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Mihailo Petrović Alas – Život, delo, vreme, October 2-3, Belgrade, Serbia,
with lecture “Ribarenje Mihaila Petrovića – jedan pogled” (video link)
CSASC 18, September 11–14, Bratislava, Slovakia,
with lecture “The Grossmann-Royer transform and localization operators”
International Conference on Generalized Functions GF2018 August 27-31, Novi Sad,
with lecture “The Grossmann-Royer transform on Gelfand-Shilov type spaces with an application to localization operators”
Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications, July 9–14,Prague, Czech Republic,
with lecture “Extended Gevrey regularity and microlocal analysis”
MicroLocal and Time-Frequency Analysis 2018, July 2 -6, Torino, Italy,
with lecture “Resolution of wave front sets beyond Gevrey regularity”
14th Serbian Mathematical Congress, May 16 -19, Kragujevac, Serbia,
with lecture “Wave front sets and time-frequency analysis”
Quantum Harmonic Analysis and Symplectic Geometry, April 21-24, Strobl, Austria,
with lecture “One apocryphal section of the Wigner Transform”
Public lecture “Ribarenje Mihaila Petrovića – jedan pogled”, April 18, Spring Festival of Mathematics, University of Novi Sad
Lecture “Wave front sets and related topics”, January 24,
for PhD students at DIMA, Dipartimento di Matematica Università degli Studi di Genova, Genova, Italy
Public lecture “Mali talasi, baze i okviri”, December 08, Dani Matematike, PMF University of Novi Sad
Applications of Generalized Functions in Harmonic Analysis, Mechanics, Stochastics and PDE (AGF:HAMSaPDE), October 27 – November 01, Novi Sad, Serbia, with lecture “Localization operators on modulation spaces”
Aspects of Time-Frequency Analysis, June 05-07, 2017, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy,
with lecture “Propagation of singularities for extended Gevrey regularity”
A Life in Mathematics, Generalized functions, microlocal analysis, PDEs and dynamical systems, CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF TODOR V. GRAMCHEV, February 01 – 03, Torino, Italy, with lecture “Extended Gevrey regularity and wave front sets” (invited speaker)
WING 2016, Innsbruck, Austria, June 29 – July 3,
with lecture “New types of wave front sets”
Strobl16 – Time-Frequency Analysis and Related Topics, Strobl, Austria, June 06-10,
with lecture “Beyond Gevrey regularity”
DANS14, Days of Analysis in Novi Sad, July 03 – 07,
In the honor of Professor Bogoljub Stankovic on the occasion of his 90th birthday
(member of the organizing commitee)
Strobl14 – Modern Time-Frequency Analysis, Strobl, Austria, June 02-06, with lecture
“A note on localization operators”
DAAD Intensive Course,
Microlocal Analysis, Wave Fronts and Propagation of Singularities,
September 16 – 21, Novi Sad, Serbia
with series of lectures “Quasianalyticity and wave-fronts”
GAMM 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia, March 18-22, with lecture “Resolution of the Wavefront Set By Using Gabor Pairs”
Symposio Italia-Serbia: Pseudodifferential Operators and Microlocal Analysis,
Torino, Italia, March 18-22 with lecture
“Resolution of the Wavefront Set Using Gabor Pairs”
Topics in PDE, Microlocal and Time-frequency Analysis , Novi Sad, Serbia, September 03-08
with lecture “Spectral asymptotic of a class of SG-type operators”
Gabor Frames and Wavelets in Local Analysis,
Novi Sad, Serbia, September 15-20 with series of lectures on Decomposition of functions;
From Abstract to Computational Harmonic Analysis,
Strobl, AUSTRIA, June 13-19 with poster “Wave-front sets and modulation spaces”
Harmonic and Complex Analysis and its Applications ,
ESI, Vienna, AUSTRIA, January 10-12, 2011
with lecture “Wave-front sets in modulation spaces”
Generalized functions in PDE, geometry, stochastics and microlocal analysis,
Departman za matematiku i informatiku, PMF, Novi Sad, August 30 – September 8, 2010with lecture “”Discrete” wave-front sets”
GFSE 2010 (Generalized Functions – Special Edition),
Departman za matematiku i informatiku, PMF, Novi Sad, June 03 – 06, 2010
14th General Meeting of EWM,
Departman za matematiku i informatiku, PMF, Novi Sad, August 25 – 28, 2009
7th ISAAC Congress,
Imperial College, London, July 13 – 18, 2009
with lecture “Wave-front sets and SG type operators in Fourier-Lebesgue
XVIII Conference on Applied Mathematics, PRIM 2009
Subotica, May 25–27, 2009
with lecture “Mobile communication systems as a motivation for
the study of pseudodifferential operators”
Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space II,
Wien, Austria, November 25 – 28, 2008
with lecture “Remarks on a class of symbol global type operators”
Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space
Wien, Austria, September 02 – 05, 2008
with lecture “Wave-front sets in time-frequency analysis”
12. srpski matematički kongres,
Novi Sad, Serbia, August 28 – September 02, 2008
with lecture “Micro-local analysis of modulation spaces”
Pseudo-differential operators with related topics, II,
Vaxjo, Sweden, June 23 – 27, 2008
with lecture “Localization operators, ultra-distributions and quasianalytic distributions”
Interplay between pseudo-differential operators and PDEs,
Torino, Italy, January 18-20, 2007
with lecture “Frames for Frechet spaces I”
ESI November Meetings:
Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis,
Vienna, Austria, November 20 -24, 2006
with lecture Quasianalytic classes, ultradistributions and localization
Pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis,
Novi Sad, Serbia, March 6 -11, 2006
ESI special semester:
Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis,
Vienna, Austria, Spring 2005
with lectures”Shift-invariant spaces and distributions”, April 11th
“Time-Frequency representations, part I: spaces”, May 6th
Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis,
Strobl, Austria, May 23 – 28, 2005
with lecture “Time-Frequency representations, part II: operators”
See also the complete list of
of the special semester.
5th ISAAC Congress, Catania,
Italy, July 25 -30, 2005
with lecture “Time-Frequency representations and ultra-distributions”
The Italian-Bulgarian Workshop on PDE and Time-Frequency Analysis, Torino, Italy, September 8-9, 2005
with lecture “A class of Symbol-Global type operators and modulation spaces”
Third Viennese Gabor Workshop –
Vienna, Austria, 10-12. V 2004.
with lecture “Time frequency localization operators”
Pseudodifferential Operators and Related Topics,
– Vaxjo, Sweden, 22-25. VI 2004.
with lecture “Pseudodifferential operators of infinite order in time frequency analysis”
PDE methods in Applied Mathematics and Image Processing
– Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 7-11. IX 2004.
with lecture “Multiresolution Expansions of Tempered Distributions”
Generalized Functions 2004, Topics in PDE, Harmonic Analysis and Mathematical Physics
– Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, 22-28. IX 2004.
with lecture “Multiresolution Expansions of Tempered Distributions”
Nonlinear PDEs with singularities, winter school – Novi Sad, 6-15. II 2003.
Sampling Theory and Applications, SampTA03
– Strobl, Austria, May 26-30, 2003.
with lecture “Elliptic pseudodifferential operators on modulation spaces”.
Conference on mathematical methods in some models of mechanics,- Novi Sad, 7-8. X 2003.
with lecture “Gabor analysis and pseudodifferential operators”
Minisymposium -Wavelets and Integral Transforms (with applications
to signal analysis) – Novi Sad, 10-12 IV 2002.
with lecture “Atomic decompositions in time-frequency analysis ” (member of the organizing commitee)
Analysis and Related Subjects
– Torino, Italia, 27-28. VI 2002.
with lecture “Pseudodifferential operators on modulation spaces”.
5th Int. Symp. on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications – Niška banja, 2-6. X 2002.
with lecture “Elliptic pseudodifferential operators and modulation spaces”.
10. kongres matematičara Jugoslavije – Beograd, 21–24. I 2001.
with lecture “Pseudodifferential Operators on Ultra-modulation Spaces”
First SIAM-EMS Conference
“Applied Mathematics in our Changing World”- Berlin, Germany, 2-6. IX 2001,
with poster presentation “Approximate Solutions of Bicharmonic Equation
Using Wavelet Subspaces”
Osterreichische Mathematische
Gesellschaft – 15. Kongress -Vienna, Austria, 16-22. IX 2001.
with lecture “Modualtion Spaces and Ultra-distributions”
2nd International Gabor Workshop
-Vienna, Austria, 3-7. XII 2001.
with poster presentation “Pseudodifferential operators on modulation spaces”
Denis Gabor Centenary Conference – Vienna, Austria, 29.V-31.VI 2000,
with lecture “Ultramodulation Spaces as a Class of Modulation Spaces”
II Congress of Mathematicians and Informaticians of Macedonia -Ohrid, Macedonia, 28.IX-1.X 2000,
with lecture “Modulation Spaces and Ultradistributions”.
Wavelet Methods in Analysis and Simulation – Orsay, France, 29.VI-10.VII 1998.
(summer school)
4th Symposium On Mathematical Analysis and its Applications -Arandjelovac
26-30.V 1997.
with lecture: “Wavelets and Behaviour of Distributions”
New Interactions: Wavelets, Signal Analysis, Simulations and Probalistic
Models – Marseille-Luminy, France, 21-26. VII 1997.
with lecture: “Wavelets and Behaviour of Distributions”
PRIM ’97- Palić, 8-12.IX 1997
with lecture: “Wavelets, a New Tool in Studing Local Properties
of Functions and Distributions” (member of the organizing commitee)
15 Pannonian Appl. Math. Conference- Balatonalmadi, Hungary 4-7 V 1996,
with lecture “Pseudo-delta sequences”
PRIM ’96- Budva 3-6 VI 1996.
with lecture “Approximate solutions of biharmonic equation using wavelet
subspaces” (member of the organizing commitee)
Generalized Functions – Linear and Nonlinear Problems – Novi Sad 31.VIII – 4.IX 1996.
with lecture: “On the scaling expansion and quasiasymptotic behavior
of tempered distributions” (member of the organizing commitee)
110. Pannonian Appl. Math. Conference- Balatonfured, Hungary, 4-7 V 1995.
with lecture “An Application of a Wavelet Theory”
9. kongres matematičara Jugoslavije – Petrovac 22-27 V 1995.
with lecture “Primena teorije malih talasa”
Nonlinear Analysis and Boundary Value Problems for ODE-
Udine,Italia, 2-6 X 1995. (summer school)
Workshop on Transform Methods and Special Functions- Sofia, Bulgaria,12-17 VIII 1994
Fifth International Coll. on Diff. Eq. -Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 18-22 VIII 1994.
with short communication “On The Wavelet Transform”