
Submitted Papers

  1. N. Mudrinski and M. Šobot,  Commutators in Semirings
Published Papers on SCI List

  1. J. Radović and N. Mudrinski,  Commutators in Completely Simple Semigroups, Semigroup Forum  110 (2025), 216-228.
  2. J. Radović and N. Mudrinski,  Supernilpotent Semigroups, Portugaliae Mathematica 81 3/4 (2024), 307-320.
  3. J. Radović and N. Mudrinski, Higher Commutators in Semigroups with Zero, Algebra Universalis 84 (2023), article number 12.
  4. E. Aichinger and N. Mudrinski, Finite Representation of Commutator Sequences, IJAC 32 (2022), 1513-1543.
  5. N. Mudrinski, The Largest Higher Commutator Sequence, Reports on Mathematical Logic 54 (2019), 83-94.
  6. E. Aichinger, N. Mudrinski, J. Opršal, Complexity of Term Representations of Finitary Functions, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 28 (2018), 1101-1118.
  7.  D. Mašulović, N. Mudrinski, On the dual Ramsey Property for Finite Distributive Lattices, Order 34 (2017), 479-490.
  8. E. Aichinger, M. Lazić, N. Mudrinski, Finite Generation of Congruence Preserving Functions, Monatshefte fuer Mathematik 181 (2016), 35-62.
  9. N. Mudrinski, Uniform Mal’cev Algebras With Small Congruence Lattices, Algebra Universalis 72 (2014), 57-69.
  10. E. Aichinger, N. Mudrinski, On Various Concepts of Nilpotence for Expansions of Groups, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 83 (2013), 583-604.
  11. E. Aichinger, N. Mudrinski, Sequences of Commutator Operations, Order 30 (2013), 859-867.
  12. N. Mudrinski, 2-supernilpotent Mal’cev Algebras, Monatshefte für Mathematik 172 (2013), 161-166.
  13. N. Mudrinski, Notes on Endomorphisms of Henson Graphs and Their Complements, Ars Combinatoria 96 (2010), 173-183.
  14. E. Aichinger, N. Mudrinski, Some Applications of Higher Commutators in Mal’cev Algebras, Algebra Universalis 63 (2010), 367-403.
  15. E. Aichinger, N. Mudrinski, Polynomial Clones of Mal’cev Algebras With Small Congruence Lattices, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 126 (2010), 315-333.
  16. E. Aichinger, N. Mudrinski, Types of Polynomial Completeness of Expanded Groups, Algebra Universalis 60 (2009), 309-343.

Other Published Papers

  1. I. Dolinka, N. Mudrinski, On Subdirect Decomposition and Varieties of some Rings with Involution, II,  Proceedings of the Novi Sad Algebraic Conference 2003, special issue of Novi Sad  J. Math. 34 (2) (2004), 109-117.

Full Professor, Algebra and Theoretical Computer Science