Programming Languages used for Teaching and Research
PHP, Java, Modula-2, Pascal, Delphi, Scheme, Prolog, Basic, GPSS, SQL
Practical Experience with Operating Systems and Hardware Architectures
Personal Computer & MS-DOS, Windows (3.1x, 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10), UNIX/Linux
Practical Experience with
- Compiler tools: Java Development Kit, Borland Pascal/Delphi, Free Pascal, TopSpeed Modula-2, Kawa, Racket, SWI-Prolog
- Compiler generators: Coco/R for Modula-2
- Databases: Oracle 9i, JDeveloper, Rational Rose
- Web technologies: PHP, Apache Web Server, HTML, XML, MySQL
- MS Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Front Page, Publisher, Project, Visio
- Graphic tools: Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw
- Statistical software: Statistica, SPSS, R
- Learning management systems and course authoring tools: Moodle (site administration, technical support, customization, plug-in development, instructional design, teacher and administrator training), WebCT, Fronter, CEWebs, eXe
- E-Commerce platforms: Magento
Localization (Serbian language packs)
- Moodle
- Microsoft SharePoint Learning Kit (SLK)
- eXe – the eLearning XHTML editor